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Toni Schmader PhD
ESS Director and Full Professor of Psychology, University of British Columbia Read BioAudrey Aday MA
Graduate Student, University of British Columbiaaday@psych.ubc.caGrusha Agarwal
Graduate Student, University of Torontogrusha.agarwal@rotman.utoronto.caRebecca Anderson BA
Graduate Student, Brock Universityra16uj@brocku.caAndrew Baron PhD
Professor of Developmental Psychology, University of British Columbia Read BioHilary Bergsieker PhD
Associate Professor of Social Psychology, University of Waterloo Read BioKate Block PhD
Assistant Professor, University of AmsterdamFollow them on Twitter Read Bio
Alice Choe
Graduate Student, University of Torontoalice.choe@rotman.utoronto.caEmily N. Cyr MA
Graduate Student, University of Waterlooencyr@uwaterloo.caFollow them on Twitter
Tara C. Dennehy PhD
Research Associate, University of British Columbiatdennehy@psych.ubc.caFollow them on Twitter
Lucy De Souza MA
Graduate Student, University of British Columbialdesouza@psych.ubc.caFollow them on Twitter
Grace Denney BSc
Graduate Student, University of Waterloograce.denney@uwaterloo.caGrace Edmonds BA
Graduate Student, The Ohio State Universityedmonds.127@buckeyemail.osu.eduHolly Engstrom MA
Graduate Student, University of British Columbia h.engstrom@psych.ubc.caCarla Fehr PhD
Wolfe Chair in Scientific and Technological Literacy, Expert in Philosophy and Feminist Science Studies, University of Waterloo Read BioAntonya Gonzalez PhD
Associate Professor, Western Washington Universityantonya.gonzalez@wwu.eduCameron Hall BA
Graduate Student, University of British Columbiachall@psych.ubc.caWill Hall PhD
Assistant Professor, Brock Universitywhall@brocku.caJoyce He PhD
Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations, UCLA Andersonjoyce.he@anderson.ucla.eduRead Bio
Ariana Hernandez-Colmenares BA
Graduate Student, The Ohio State Universityhernandez-colmenares.1@osu.eduFollow them on Twitter
Shernell Hines BA (Hons)
Graduate Student, University of Torontoshernell.hines@utoronto.caLeo Huang MA
Graduate Student, University of Torontoleo.huang4977@gmail.comRotem Kahalon PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, Simon Fraser Universitykahalon.rotem@gmail.comFollow them on Twitter
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Sonia Kang PhD
Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Identity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Department of Management, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, and Special Advisor on Anti-Racism and Equity, University of Toronto Mississauga Read BioFrancine Karmali PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Torontofrancine.karmali@utoronto.caFollow them on Twitter
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Jacklyn Koyama PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Torontojacklyn.koyama@mail.utoronto.caRead Bio
Katie Kroeper PhD
Assistant Professor, Sacred Heart University Read BioJessica Lee
Graduate Student, University of British Columbiajlee@psych.ubc.caSimon Lolliot PhD
Instructor 1 and Chair, Vantage One Arts Program, University of British Columbiaslolliot@psych.ubc.caCourtney Moore MS
Graduate Student, The Ohio State UniversityChrista Nater PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of British Columbiacnater@psych.ubc.caRead Bio
Elizabeth Page-Gould PhD
Canada Research Chair in Social Psychophysiology, University of Toronto Read BioAngie Minah Park PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Management, University of Toronto Mississauga and the Gender and the Economy (GATE) Institute, Rotman School of Managementangie.park@mail.utoronto.caRead Bio
Anthea Pun PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of British Columbiaantheacp@psych.ubc.caRead Bio
Steve Spencer PhD
Professor of Psychology, University of Waterloo; Robert K. and Dale J. Weary Chair in Social Psychology, Ohio State University Read BioJennifer Steele PhD
Professor of Psychology, York UniversityFollow them on Twitter Read Bio
Marissa Traversa MA
Graduate Student, Simon Fraser Universitymarissa_traversa@sfu.caJessica Trickey MA
Graduate Student, University of Waterloojtrickey@uwaterloo.caStephen Wright PhD
Canada Research Chair in Social Psychology, Simon Fraser University Read Bio