Is your company interested in fostering greater gender inclusion?
Do you have employees working in any of the following roles?
Scientist | Tech Professional | Engineer | Mathematician
Project RISE seeks your support to recruit eligible employees from your organization to take part in innovative research on best practices to foster inclusion for women & men in STEM.
Project RISE is a part of a two-phase, multi-year federally funded research partnership—Engendering Success in STEM (ESS)—between academic experts and industry leaders.
PHASE ONE: Workplace Culture Survey
To optimize our training methods and metrics for STEM workplaces, the RISE Workplace Culture Survey will collect baseline data about employees’ experiences and current views.
Eligible participants must:
• Work full-time as a scientist, tech professional, engineer, or mathematician
RISE team will provide:
• Employee recruitment materials including template email, project summary & FAQ
• Link to online survey to be completed by July 2018
Expected in-kind commitment from participating organizations:
• Assist with recruiting employees to participate
• Allow employees approximately 30 minutes during work hours to complete the survey
Industry partner benefits:
• Early access to white papers, infographics, and reports summarizing the aggregate results
• Summary report of recommendations for competitive diversity and inclusion initiatives
To participate in the RISE Workplace Culture Survey, please email us at
Please click on the frequently asked questions below to learn more about participating in the RISE Workplace Culture Survey.
What are the steps in your recruitment process?
The first step (Step 1) is simply to get in touch and let us know if you’d like to take part in the research. For Step 2, the Project RISE team will provide you with a Study Agreement Form to sign confirming that your organization is ready to participate. In Step 3, our team will send you the employee recruitment email that includes the link to the survey and other accompanying documentation (one-page summary and FAQ for participants).
How long is recruitment open?
Recruitment will stay open through July 2018. We encourage companies to sign up early, so that we can build an accurate projection of our likely sample size, which will determine the statistical analyses we are able to conduct and the metrics we can report to you. Your organization can set an internal completion deadline if you would like to ensure that your employees complete the survey by an earlier date.
Who is eligible to participate?
To be eligible to participate, employees must work full-time as a scientist, tech professional, engineer, or mathematician. If you are unsure whether your employees are eligible, please email us at
Does the study have to start immediately after we decide to participate?
No, although it would be ideal to have eligible employees from your organization complete the survey early so that we can report back to you on your organization’s level of participation and determine whether additional recruitment efforts would be necessary.
How long will the survey take?
The survey should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Are eligible employees expected to take the survey during work hours?
Yes. We ask that your organization allow eligible employees to complete the survey at a time convenient to them during work hours. The employee time spent completing the survey will be considered an in-kind contribution from your organization to the Engendering Success in STEM: Project RISE research and will be included in reporting to our federal funding agency.
What is the minimum number of eligible employees we need to participate?
There is no minimum. Ideally we would like to recruit as many participants as possible! In general, the more participants we have from a given organization, the better we will be able to provide aggregate information about your organization to you that affords comparison with other organizations within STEM industries.
What are the requirements to receive organization-specific data?
If your organization has at least 30 employees who participate in the survey you will receive a report on how your organization compares to others within your industry who complete the survey.
What kind of results are you expecting?
In the Workplace Culture Survey, we go beyond measuring the presence or absence of organizational policies to examine how the following factors can influence employees’ experiences in their STEM careers: • feelings of social support and belonging at work • organizational commitment • perceptions of organizational climate and gender-inclusive policies • attitudes toward gender-inclusive policies • perceptions of gender bias at work
These data will help to inform an evidence-based intervention that we can deliver with your employees, and will provide the basis of a report to help you direct your organization’s diversity and inclusion efforts to evidence-based practices.
Is your research team also interested in other kinds of diversity in STEM?
As researchers, our team members have broad interests in many kinds of diversity. However, the focus of the Engendering Success in STEM consortium (and our partnership grant) is on promoting women in STEM. As such, the Workplace Culture Survey has been designed to focus on gender diversity. To the extent that a sufficient number of members of other underrepresented groups respond to the survey, we will analyze and report data on responses from other groups.
How will the results be made available?
A summary report of recommendations for competitive workplace diversity & inclusion initiatives will be provided to your organization. Additionally, the Project RISE team will prepare a variety of white papers, infographics, and reports summarizing the aggregate results, which will be hosted on our website (
After the survey link has been sent to our employees what do we do next?
Once data collection has begun (and prior to your organization’s internal completion deadline), a RISE team member will update you on the response rate for your organization. If the response rate is lower than expected/desired, we can discuss with you whether it would be worthwhile to increase recruitment efforts.
Once data collection has completed, what do we do next?
We kindly ask that you provide the Project RISE team with a letter identifying the in-kind contribution your organization made to the RISE Workplace Culture Survey. To help with this calculation we will provide you with the number of employees from your organization who participated in the survey. As a guide, the below calculation should give you an accurate estimate of your in-kind contribution: In-kind contribution = Monetary value of time spent by staff on planning with the Project RISE team and recruitment of eligible employees + monetary value of employee time (approx. 30 minutes) spent completing the survey during work hours. Please address the letter to Engendering Success in STEM Consortium: Project RISE. We can accept either a digital signature or a signed scanned copy returned to